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SafeSky welcomes Enroute Flight Navigation (EFN) as its latest interoperability partner.

We are pleased to welcome Enroute Flight Navigation (EFN) as yet another GDL-90 compatible navigation app with SafeSky. Developed by Akaflieg Freiburg, EFN is a renowned, completely free navigation app for VFR pilots, recognised for its simplicity, functionality, and elegance.

Tristan FILY, CEO of SafeSky, highlighted the importance of this partnership, stating, "With this collaboration, we continue to expand our roster of approved interoperability partnerships, offering pilots the most comprehensive and interoperable in-flight traffic information solution. Furthermore, this partnership underscores the shared vision of SafeSky's commitment to affordability, perfectly aligned with Enroute's dedication, offering high-quality aviation solutions at no or low cost to the pilot community."

Stefan KEBEKUS from Enroute Flight Navigation commented, "This integration is a response to the growing demand from our dedicated user base. One of the key benefits of Enroute is its seamless, no-setup-required integration with various devices and systems. Combining the strengths of SafeSky and EFN, I believe that our collaboration can contribute to flight safety for general aviation pilots worldwide."

The success of SafeSky, driven by our dedicated community of pilots, including beta-testers, translators, and real-life pilots, reflects the identical enthusiasm that EFN has generated among its aviation enthusiasts. Their invaluable feedback has played a pivotal role in shaping this partnership, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to them.


For more information:

· SafeSky: please visit our website

· Enroute Flight Navigation: please visit Enroute Flight Navigation (EFN)’s website, the App Store or Google Play


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